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Enable checkbox dynamically using angular2

I am trying to display a list of checkboxes using " *ngFor" attribute as follows.

    <mdl-list-item *ngFor="let group of Groups">
        <mdl-checkbox mdl-ripple  (change)="onChanged($event,group.guid)" [(ngModel)]="isGroupChecked">{{group.group_name}}</mdl-checkbox>

In my component I have an asynchronous call to get a list of group id's whose checkboxes are to be enabled.After I get the result I am checking for a condition to check if the checkbox must be enabled.

I want to enable the checkbox after the condition is validated. ("at the comment mentioned in the method")

getUserGroupNames() {
  this.Groups.forEach(group => {
  this.userGroups.groups.forEach(user_group => {
  if (group.entity_group_guid == user_group.entity_group_guid) {

  //I want to enable the check box after this comparison.

   this.isGroupChecked = true;

I want to enable the checkbox after I compare the id's.

Please Help!

Thanks in advance.


  • You need to have isGroupChecked property for each item, instead of having Global isGroupChecked variable.

    <mdl-list-item *ngFor="let group of Groups">
        <mdl-checkbox mdl-ripple  (change)="onChanged($event,group.guid)" [(ngModel)]="group.isGroupChecked">{{group.group_name}}</mdl-checkbox>


    getUserGroupNames() {
      this.Groups.forEach(group => {
      this.userGroups.groups.forEach(user_group => {
      if (group.entity_group_guid == user_group.entity_group_guid) {
        //need to have separate properties.
         group.isGroupChecked = true;

    Hope it helps!