I have an application based on materialdesigninxaml framework where I can set the light and the dark color, when the light color is setted I can see correctly the label text which is black, but when I set the dark theme the label of the charts still remain black, so I don't see anything. This is my chart:
<lvc:CartesianChart Series="{Binding}" LegendLocation="Bottom">
<lvc:Axis Labels="{Binding AnalysisController.Labels}"/>
I tried to add this to my App.xaml as suggested by the documentation:
<ResourceDictionary Source="pack://application:,,,/LiveCharts.Wpf;component/Themes/Colors/white.xaml" />
but the color of the text is still black
You can set the Foreground
of your axis to another color like this:
<lvc:CartesianChart Series="{Binding}" LegendLocation="Bottom">
<lvc:Axis Labels="{Binding AnalysisController.Labels}"