I am using the R Tools for Visual Studio (RTVS) IDE. I want to increase the font size in the R Help window. For example, if you have RTVS installed in your Visual Studio, loading "Data science settings" from the R Tools menu and entering ?mean()
into the R interactive console will bring up an R Help window displaying the R documentation for the mean
However, the font is too small. I know how to change the font size in other windows of the IDE:
R Tools > Options > Environment > Fonts and Colors > Show Settings for:
But, unless I'm mistaken, I've tried every option in the "Show Settings for:" drop-down menu and none of them increased the font size in the R Help window.
Please try ctrl + scroll
wheel, that works fine for me. The ctrl + "-/+"
once worked but it seems they are forbidden in the new version of RTVS.