I'm making a subclass designated initializer with an extra parameter compared to the initializer from the superclass, however, i get an error. The code is:
class Pregunta: Codable {
var codImagen: String
var respCorrecta: Int
var respUsuario = -1
init(codImagen:String, respCorrecta:Int){
self.codImagen = codImagen
self.respCorrecta = respCorrecta
class PregRev: Pregunta {
var codAyuda: String
init(codImagen:String, respCorrecta:Int, codAyuda: String){
super.init(codImagen: codImagen, respCorrecta: respCorrecta)
self.codAyuda = codAyuda
And I get the error
'required' initializer 'init(from:)' must be provided by subclass of 'Pregunta'
What's the problem? I read that I just had to use a super.init with a superclass initializer. Thanks in advance.
This has nothing to do with your implementation of init(codImagen:String, respCorrecta:Int, codAyuda: String)
(though that implementation is in fact wrong). It has to do with the fact that your superclass has adopted Codable.
Codable requires an implementation of init(from:)
. Your superclass inherits this through a protocol extension, so there's no problem about the fact that you have not supplied an implementation.
But the subclass is another story. By creating a designated initializer in the subclass, you have killed inheritance. Therefore, your subclass does not inherit the implementation of init(from:)
from the superclass. Therefore you must supply it explicitly in the subclass:
class Pregunta: Codable {
var codImagen: String
var respCorrecta: Int
var respUsuario = -1
init(codImagen:String, respCorrecta:Int){
self.codImagen = codImagen
self.respCorrecta = respCorrecta
class PregRev: Pregunta {
var codAyuda: String
enum CodingKeys : String, CodingKey {
case codAyuda
init(codImagen:String, respCorrecta:Int, codAyuda: String){
self.codAyuda = codAyuda
super.init(codImagen: codImagen, respCorrecta: respCorrecta)
required init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let con = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
self.codAyuda = try con.decode(String.self, forKey: .codAyuda)
try super.init(from:decoder)