I have next merge conflict:
<<<<<<< Updated upstream
my( $c, $name ) = (shift,shift);
my %name = defined $name ? ( name => $name ) : ();
||||||| merged common ancestors
my( $c ) = shift;
my( $c, $name ) = (shift,shift);
my %name = defined $name ? ( name => $name ) : ();
>>>>>>> Stashed changes
<<<<<<< Updated upstream
return $c->render_to_string( 'control/toggle', id => "toggle$id", %name, @_ );
||||||| merged common ancestors
return $c->render_to_string( 'control/toggle', @_, id => "toggle$id" );
return $c->render_to_string( 'control/toggle', id => "toggle$id", %name, @_ );
>>>>>>> Stashed changes
Is there an option to ignore such conflicts if there are only changes in whitespace? Just like -w -b
Well, you can not ignore conflicts, because that means that something is wrong, and you have to tell Git that you fixed the conflict.
If you really want to keep the file as-is, you can remove the conflict diff lines, and then git add / git commit the files that were in conflict so that you keep all lines of the file.
Else, if you want to keep a specific version (either "theirs", meaning what you tried to merge into your local codebase or "ours", meaning your codebase) of the file, you can use :
git checkout --ours my/file
git checkout --theirs my/file
Don't forget, then, to commit the files so that git is not in this weirdo conflict mode.