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How to override redirect of grails 3 controller

I want to override(extend) the redirect method of a grails 3 controller.

In grails 2 this was done by overriding the method via metaClass. See Override Grails redirect method

Since grails 3 this is not working anymore.

What I want to achieve: I want to manipulate the argument map that is passed to the redirect method of every controller I implemented (filtered by package name)

Or to be more specific: I want to add/change the mapping param based on some small logic


  • I want to override(extend) the redirect method of a grails 3 controller.

    You can simply override the method as per usual language rules...

    class DemoController {
        // ...
        void redirect(Map m) {
            // do whatever you like here...

    If you want to invoke the original redirect method you can do that too but you will need to explicitly implement the Controller trait...

    import grails.artefact.Controller
    class DemoController implements Controller {
        void redirect(Map m) {
            // do whatever you like here before
            // invoking the original redirect...
            // invoke the original redirect...
            Controller.super.redirect m