I am importing users data from a csv file. After uploading me got this kind of a an array
CRF_Tester_Import_Parser_TesterData Object
[_mapperKeys:protected] => Array
[_contactIdIndex:private] =>
[_newTeachers:protected] => Array
[_fileName:protected] =>
[_fileSize:protected] => 0.23
[_seperator:protected] => ,
[_lineCount:protected] => 5
[_totalCount:protected] => 4
[_validCount:protected] => 4
[_invalidRowCount:protected] => 0
[_maxErrorCount:protected] => 250
[_errors:protected] => Array
[_conflictCount:protected] => 0
[_conflicts:protected] => Array
[_duplicateCount:protected] =>
[_duplicates:protected] =>
[_warningCount:protected] => 0
[_maxWarningCount:protected] => 25
[_warnings:protected] => Array
[_fields:protected] =>
[_activeFields:protected] =>
[_activeFieldCount:protected] => 1
[_maxLinesToProcess:protected] => 100
[_rows:protected] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => Contact ID,First Name,Email,Contribution Type,External Identifier,date,Total Amount
[1] => Array
[0] => 1001,abc,abc@abc.com,aaa,active,2011-1-10,100
[2] => Array
[0] => 1002,fff,fff@fff.com,yes+,active,2010-11-05,200
[3] => Array
[0] => 1003,ggg,kkk@kkk.com,basic,active,2011-1-20,300
[_errorFileName:protected] =>
[_conflictFileName:protected] =>
[_duplicateFileName:protected] =>
[_haveColumnHeader:protected] =>
[_contactType] => Individual
From this array how can I process "_rows:protected" key values?
I guess you have problems because of the colon in the member-name, try it like this:
foreach($CRF_Tester_Import_Parser_TesterData->{'_rows:protected'} as $k=>$item)
echo $item[0];