All of you. I am doing sample Android Kotlin Project from api call using retrofit. I called api and display response logcat. But it is not handling the user id and data to from server. So, If you know Guys share your best experience.
val params = HashMap<String, String>()
params["api_key"] = "api_key_value"
params["username"] = "abcd"
params["password"] = "1234"
doApiLogin.getLogin(params).enqueue(object : Callback<GetLoginAndRegisterResp> {
override fun onResponse(call: Call<GetLoginAndRegisterResp>?, response: Response<GetLoginAndRegisterResp>?) {
//To change body of created functions use File | Settings | File Templates.
if (response != null && response.isSuccessful) {
val getLoginAndRegisterResp = response.body()
if (getLoginAndRegisterResp != null) {
// Here. server response
} else {
val statusCode = response.code()
NajibApplication.instance.setLog("statusCode:" + statusCode)
} else {
override fun onFailure(call: Call<GetLoginAndRegisterResp>?, t: Throwable?) {
//To change body of created functions use File | Settings | File Templates.
Here is Model Class
class GetLoginAndRegisterResp {
data class LoginResp(
val user_info: UserInfo = UserInfo(),
val status: Status = Status()
) {
override fun toString(): String {
return "LoginResp(user_info=$user_info, status=$status)"
data class UserInfo(
val user_id: String = "", //
val username: String = "", //abcd
val login_hash: String = "", //
val facebook_id: String = "",
val twitter_id: String = "",
val full_name: String = "", //
val thumb_url: String = "",
val photo_url: String = "",
val mobile: String = "", //
val email: String = "" //
) {
override fun toString(): String {
return "UserInfo(user_id='$user_id', username='$username', login_hash='$login_hash', facebook_id='$facebook_id', twitter_id='$twitter_id', full_name='$full_name', thumb_url='$thumb_url', photo_url='$photo_url', mobile='$mobile', email='$email')"
data class Status(
val status_code: String = "", //-1
val status_text: String = "" //Success.
) {
override fun toString(): String {
return "Status(status_code='$status_code', status_text='$status_text')"
This is code here with Api calling retrofit Kotlin.
A lot of search and found solution on my self. Solution as model class is not perfect and this is correct model class as our requirement.
And clear project and run! :)
It should be work fine!
data class LoginResultResp(
val user_info: UserInfo = UserInfo(),
val status: Status = Status())
data class UserInfo(
val user_id: String = "", //1010
val username: String = "",
val login_hash: String = "",
val facebook_id: String = "",
val twitter_id: String = "",
val full_name: String = "", //
val thumb_url: String = "",
val photo_url: String = "",
val mobile: String = "", //
val email: String = "")
data class Status(
val status_code: String = "", //-1
val status_text: String = "" //Success.)