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How to handle retrofit response Kotlin in android?

All of you. I am doing sample Android Kotlin Project from api call using retrofit. I called api and display response logcat. But it is not handling the user id and data to from server. So, If you know Guys share your best experience.

  val params = HashMap<String, String>()
    params["api_key"] = "api_key_value"
    params["username"] = "abcd"
    params["password"] = "1234"

    doApiLogin.getLogin(params).enqueue(object : Callback<GetLoginAndRegisterResp> {

        override fun onResponse(call: Call<GetLoginAndRegisterResp>?, response: Response<GetLoginAndRegisterResp>?) {
            //To change body of created functions use File | Settings | File Templates.
            if (response != null && response.isSuccessful) {

                val getLoginAndRegisterResp = response.body()
                if (getLoginAndRegisterResp != null) {

                    // Here. server response

                } else {

                    val statusCode = response.code()
                    NajibApplication.instance.setLog("statusCode:" + statusCode)

            } else {

        override fun onFailure(call: Call<GetLoginAndRegisterResp>?, t: Throwable?) {
            //To change body of created functions use File | Settings | File Templates.


Here is Model Class

class GetLoginAndRegisterResp {

data class LoginResp(
        val user_info: UserInfo = UserInfo(),
        val status: Status = Status()

) {
    override fun toString(): String {
        return "LoginResp(user_info=$user_info, status=$status)"

data class UserInfo(
        val user_id: String = "", //

        val username: String = "", //abcd

        val login_hash: String = "", //

        val facebook_id: String = "",

        val twitter_id: String = "",

        val full_name: String = "", //

        val thumb_url: String = "",

        val photo_url: String = "",

        val mobile: String = "", //

        val email: String = "" //
) {
    override fun toString(): String {
        return "UserInfo(user_id='$user_id', username='$username', login_hash='$login_hash', facebook_id='$facebook_id', twitter_id='$twitter_id', full_name='$full_name', thumb_url='$thumb_url', photo_url='$photo_url', mobile='$mobile', email='$email')"

data class Status(
        val status_code: String = "", //-1

        val status_text: String = "" //Success.
) {
    override fun toString(): String {
        return "Status(status_code='$status_code', status_text='$status_text')"


This is code here with Api calling retrofit Kotlin.


  • A lot of search and found solution on my self. Solution as model class is not perfect and this is correct model class as our requirement.

    1. Create file as Kotlin only.
    2. Convert Json Into Kotlin Class.

    And clear project and run! :)

    It should be work fine!

    data class LoginResultResp(
        val user_info: UserInfo = UserInfo(),
        val status: Status = Status())
    data class UserInfo(
        val user_id: String = "", //1010
        val username: String = "", 
        val login_hash: String = "", 
        val facebook_id: String = "",
        val twitter_id: String = "",
        val full_name: String = "", //
        val thumb_url: String = "",
        val photo_url: String = "",
        val mobile: String = "", //
        val email: String = "")
    data class Status(
        val status_code: String = "", //-1
        val status_text: String = "" //Success.)