I have a fully functioning RMD template which generates nice reports in English.
(The RMD stands for R Markdown file. Basically its an interactive template r file, which can receive input from another r file many times. as any given input is passed, the template calculates some functions on the input and saves an HTML report corresponding to the outputs you specify.)
In addition, I need to make another version which look beautiful in Hebrew instead. simply replacing the text works fine. However, The main a issue with it is that the text is aligned Left-to-right (compatible with English) while I need to turn it to Right-to-left.
I am sure there is some simple way to do it, but I haven't found it.
Any help would be appreciated.
You can add css options to your Rmd template file. For example:
title: חוכמה
output: html_document
h1 {
direction: rtl;
p {
direction: rtl;
הספר הוא ידידו הטוב של האדם
Render this document with rmarkdown::render("Template.Rmd")
for a result like this:
Option direction: rtl;
specifies text direction right to left.
in :
p {
direction: rtl;
Specifies direction for text in "paragraphs".
h1 {
direction: rtl;
Specifies direction for level 1 header (it's your title and header that starts with 1 #
). For direction to work with all headers (eg, #
, ##
, ###
) you should use:
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
direction: rtl;