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How to pass an array of PHAssets to another ViewController using Segue

I need your help! I am trying to pass an array of selected PHAssets from my first ViewController to the next one. I am declaring the array here:

import UIKit
import Photos
import BSImagePicker

class ViewControllerSelectPhotos: UIViewController {

@IBOutlet weak var btnSelect: UIButton!

@IBOutlet weak var btnStartGame: UIButton!

@IBOutlet weak var lblStatus: UILabel!

var SelectedAssets = [PHAsset]()

And add the PHAssets with a pod named BSImagepicker here:

@IBAction func btnSelectPhotos(_ sender: UIButton) {

    let vc = BSImagePickerViewController()

    self.bs_presentImagePickerController(vc, animated: true, select: { (asset: PHAsset) -> Void in

    }, deselect: { (asset: PHAsset) -> Void in

    }, cancel: { (assets: [PHAsset]) -> Void in

    }, finish: { (assets: [PHAsset]) -> Void in

        for i in 0..<assets.count
        { self.SelectedAssets.append(assets[i])

    }, completion: nil)

Then I am using the prepare for segue function to pass the array:

override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any? ) {
if (segue.identifier == "SegueToViewControllerGame") {
        (segue.destination as! ViewControllerGame).SelectedAssetsGame = (SelectedAssets as AnyObject) as! [PHAsset]

In the second ViewController I want to save the array SelectedAssets in the array SelectedAssetsGame:

class ViewControllerGame: UIViewController {

var SelectedAssetsGame: [PHAsset] = []

I always get a NSInvalidArgumentException. What can I do?

Thank you very much!


  • In your btnSelectPhotos method, instead of doing a for loop, you can simply assign the assets to your SelectedAssets variable like this:

    finish: { (assets: [PHAsset]) -> Void in    
        self.SelectedAssets = assets

    And then pass your SelectedAssets object to your destination view controller:

    override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any? ) {
        if (segue.identifier == "SegueToViewControllerGame") {
            (segue.destination as! ViewControllerGame).SelectedAssetsGame = SelectedAssets

    EDIT (Solution): Make sure you have connected your IBOutlets properly (without any old invalid outlets) and you pass correct parameters to your method calls.