I have this query,
area["name"="Greater London"];
( .all; - ._; );
out geom;
which return me this result
<way id="4270351">
<bounds minlat="51.6322589" minlon="-0.0381454" maxlat="51.6327917" maxlon="-0.0376948"/>
<nd ref="25637026" lat="51.6327251" lon="-0.0379737"/>
<nd ref="25637027" lat="51.6327917" lon="-0.0377806"/>
<nd ref="25637029" lat="51.6326585" lon="-0.0376948"/>
<nd ref="25637030" lat="51.6323298" lon="-0.0378665"/>
<nd ref="25637032" lat="51.6322589" lon="-0.0380668"/>
<nd ref="25637034" lat="51.6324054" lon="-0.0381454"/>
<nd ref="25637026" lat="51.6327251" lon="-0.0379737"/>
<tag k="amenity" v="restaurant"/>
<tag k="building" v="block"/>
<tag k="created_by" v="JOSM"/>
Is there a way get same but without ND tags? like this:
<way id="4270351">
<bounds minlat="51.6322589" minlon="-0.0381454" maxlat="51.6327917" maxlon="-0.0376948"/>
<tag k="amenity" v="restaurant"/>
<tag k="building" v="block"/>
<tag k="created_by" v="JOSM"/>
I will get needed lat lon from , and in this case i don't want to get ND's because this tags make returned data heavy
According to the docs I mentioned you need to use out tags;
to omit node details for your ways.
To also include the bounding box, use:
way(4270351);out tags bb;