I setup bluemix devops pipeline with DevOps insights Gate node included. Unit test result (mocha format) and coverage result (istanbul format) have been uploaded in test jobs (using grunt-idra3 npm plugin as same as the tutorial did ⇒github url).
However, my gate job is still failed, though unit test is showing 100% pass.
Much appreciated if someone can help me.
All unit test passed, but still "decision for Unit Test" is red failed⇒
Detail of policy & rules : policy "Standard Mocha Test Policy"
Rule-1: Functional verification test, Rule type: Functional verification test, Results file format: xUnit, Percent Passes: 100%
Rule-2: Istanbul Coverage Rule, Rule type: Code Coverage, Result file format: istanbul, Minimum code coverage required: 80%
Rule-3: Mocha Unit Test Rule, Rule type: Unit Test, Results file format: xUnit, Percent Passes: 100%
After spending almost 3 weeks on this, finally I get DevOps Gate Job all green. Thanks @Vijay Aggarwal, and everyone else who helped on this issue.
Here is actually what happened and how it is solved finally.
[Root Cause]
DevOps Rules are "Result Format Sensitive" too, so people must be careful in choosing "reporter" for Mocha or Istanbul. In my case, I defined the gulp file as follows, but incorrectly set result type to "mocha" in Policy Rule definition.
gulp.task("test", ["pre-test"], function() {
return gulp.src(["./test/**/*.js"], {read: false})
reporter: "mocha-junit-reporter",
reporterOptions: {
mochaFile: './testResult/testResult-summary.xml'
[How it is solved]