I have a hundred of text files with the below structure:
Class Categeory_1 {
(content 1, may contain many other block ending with }; )
Class Categeory_2 {
(content 2, may contain many other block ending with }; )
I would like to merge all the files without the first and last line of each file, so the output.txt should be:
(content 1, may contain many other block ending with }; )
(content 2, may contain many other block ending with }; )
Files names are random, and class name are also random, but starting with "Category_"
I know how to merge all of the files together:
@echo off
for /r %%i in (*.txt) do (
if not %%~nxi == output.txt (
copy /A output.txt+"%%i" && echo. >> output.txt
but not sure how to skip the first and last line of each file. Can you please provide some help, thank you.
Here is a working code sample
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
if exist output.txt del output.txt
set "var="
for /r %%i in (*.txt) do (
if "%%~nxi" NEQ "output.txt" (
set "var="
for /f "usebackq skip=1 delims=" %%b in ("%%~i") do (
if "!var!" NEQ "" Echo !var!
set var=%%b
))) >> output.txt
Here's a quick summary of what it does:
allows the reference of updated variable values in the for-loopoutput
and reset var
every text file, that is not output.txt
to nothingFor
every line in this text-file, skipping the first line:var
is not empty, echo
its valueSet
the value of var
to the current line
redirect all echo
's into output.txt
Note, the order of the last 2 steps is what allows you to skip the last line since you are always echoing the previous line.
This means if the file only has 2 lines, it will not echo anything,
If it has 3 lines it will only echo the middle one,
And if it has 4 lines it will echo the middle two, etc.