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Angular FormArray: referencing dynamically added FormControl in template

I am working on Angular Reactive forms, I have added a couple of FormControl into FormArray dynamically, but I am getting issue to reference those FormControls in my template while binding them with formControlName. In template I assigned loop index variable "i" to formControlName but its not working. I get "No value accessor for form control with path" by binding controls with formControlName. here is my component class code:

export class Control {
  constructor(public controlType?: string, public label?: string, public required?: boolean, public placeholder?: string,
    public options?: string[], public value?: string) { }

export class FormComponent implements OnInit {
  reviewForm: FormGroup;

  constructor(public formService: FormService, public dialog: MdDialog) { }

  selectedControl: any = null;
  label: string;

  ngOnInit() {
    this.reviewForm = new FormGroup({
      'controlArray': new FormArray([

  addControl() {
    const myControl: Control = new Control(, this.label, this.isRequired,
      this.selectedControl.attributes.value, this.selectedControl.attributes.options, 'null');
    var control: FormControl = new FormControl(myControl);


And it is my component's template:

<form [formGroup]="reviewForm" (ngSubmit)="onSubmit()">
  <div class="example-label">
    <span class='block'>    
              <span *ngIf="selectedForm">
                      <h2 class="example-heading">{{displayForm}} </h2>
    <div formArrayName="controlArray">
      <div *ngFor="let control of reviewForm.get('controlArray').controls; let i = index">
            <span *ngIf="control.value">
            <td><span *ngIf="control.value.controlType == 'select'">                
                      <md-select placeholder="{{control.value.label}}" [formControlName]="i" >
                        <md-option *ngFor="let option of control.value.options; let i=index" 
            <td> <span *ngIf="control.value.controlType == 'text'">
              <md-form-field class="example-full-width">
                <input mdInput type="text" placeholder="{{control.value.placeholder}}" [formControlName]="i" >
            <td> <span *ngIf="control.value.controlType == 'radio'">
                      <span *ngFor="let option of control.value.options">
                        <md-radio-button name="gender" value="{{option}}" [formControlName]="i" >{{option}} </md-radio-button>
            <td> <span *ngIf="control.value.controlType == 'checkbox'">
                      <md-checkbox value="{{control.value.controlType}}" [formControlName]="i" > </md-checkbox>

            <td> <span *ngIf="control.value.controlType == 'textarea'">
                      <textarea name="Comment" id="" cols="30" rows="10" [formControlName]="i" ></textarea>  

            <td> <span *ngIf="control.value.controlType == 'button'">
                        <button md-raised-button value="{{control.value}}" [formControlName]="i" >Button</button>  
                    </span> </td>

In my component class I only have FormArray in FormGroup. In addControl function I made a custom control and pass this control as a first parameter to a FormControl. Afterwards I push this FormControl into my FormArray. Please help, in template How do I associate formControlName to FormControls. Thanks


  • You can bind this way:
