I want to drop an element from an ellipsis because I want to set it manaully inside my function. The example below illustrates the point as the error is sensible given I'm passing na.rm
in manually and via ellipsis. How can I remove na.rm
from the ellipsis so that the error isn't thrown?
mymean <- function(x, ...){
dots <- list(...)
if (is.null(dots$na.rm)) {
na_arg <- TRUE
} else {
na_arg <- dots$na.rm
mean(x, na.rm = na_arg, ...)
set.seed(10); a <- c(rnorm(20), NA)
## [1] -0.06053267
mymean(a, trim = .5)
## [1] -0.08275319
mymean(a, na.rm = TRUE, trim = .1)
## Error in mean.default(x, na.rm = na_arg, ...) :
## formal argument "na.rm" matched by multiple actual arguments
1) lm Look at the source code of lm. Following that:
mymean1 <- function(x, ...){
mc <- match.call()
mc[[1]] <- as.name("mean")
if (is.null(mc$na.rm)) mc$na.rm <- TRUE
eval(mc, parent.frame())
mymean1(a, na.rm = TRUE, trim = .1)
## [1] -0.01886715
mymean1(a, trim = .1)
## [1] -0.01886715
2) do.call This would also work although there is a subtle difference, namely ... gets evaluated. In this and most cases it won't matter but it might in some less usual cases.
mymean2 <- function(x, ...) {
dots <- list(...)
if (! "na.rm" %in% names(dots)) dots$na.rm <- TRUE
do.call("mean", c(list(x), dots))
mymean2(a, na.rm = TRUE, trim = .1)
## [1] -0.01886715
mymean2(a, trim = .1)
## [1] -0.01886715
3) ordinary arg However, it would be easier to just write:
mymean3 <- function(x, na.rm = TRUE, ...) mean(x, na.rm = na.rm, ...)
mymean3(a, na.rm = TRUE, trim = .1)
## [1] -0.01886715
mymean3(a, trim = .1)
## [1] -0.01886715
This is the usual way wrappers with different defaults are written. For example see the read.csv source code.