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Please explain about Hyperledger

I'm not clear about Hyperledger. Please help!

  1. What is Hyperledger?
  2. What is Hyperledger Composer?
  3. What is Hyperledger Fabric?
  4. What is Hyperledger Fabric SDK GO?
  5. What is consensus algorithm use in Hyperledger?
  6. And Hyperledger have a miner or not?


  • Ans 1: Hyperledger is not: Not a company. Not a cryptocurrency. Not a blockchain. Hyperledger is rather something like a hub for open industrial blockchain development.
    Further explanation you can follow this:

    Ans 2: Hyperledger Composer is a set of collaboration tools for building blockchain business networks that make it simple and fast for business owners and developers to create smart contracts and blockchain applications to solve business problems.
    Further explanation:

    Ans 3: Hyperledger Fabric is a business blockchain framework hosted by the Linux Foundation intended as a foundation for developing blockchain applications or solutions with a modular architecture. Hyperledger Fabric allows components such as consensus and membership services to be plug-and-play.

    Further explanation: and

    Ans 4: See this to know better about Fabric SDK GO:

    Ans 5: See this to know better about consensus algorithm.

    Ans 6: No miner needed in Hyperledger. Ordering service done this.