I have exported a COM+ application proxy, which generates MSI and CAB files, and I have successfully installed them on a few different Win XP and Vista machines. However, I have a WinXP box that isn't playing nicely. When I try and run the MSI it gives me the following error message:
"Error registering COM+ Application."
It stops there, not even getting as far as creating the application in COM+. Any ideas on where to look? I'm guessing some dependency is MIA, disabled, or misconfigured, but I can't seem to figure out what's missing from the magic sauce.
Also, if any of you have experience registering the client app proxy manually, that would be swell, too.
Unfortunately, this particular error can have many causes, mostly IT-related. Most typically, in my experience, it is permissions issues or a corrupted COM+ installation.
I follow a few basic steps for troubleshooting this generic error.
First, make sure that you can view the COM+ applications (in Component Services) on the box. Sometimes you will get an error trying to navigate to the COM+ applications. Searching on the error message will usually lead to a Technet article that describes how to fix the error.
If you can view the COM+ applications, you'll want to double-check that there isn't already a previous proxy installed. Proxies do not upgrade automatically -- you have to remove the old proxy before a newer one is applied.
If you had a previous proxy, it is possible the files, which are located under the "Common Files" folder, were not properly removed.
Use ProcMon to diagnose any permissions errors. I have seen other installers that remove security privileges that are needed to install a COM+ proxy.
You can also generate a log of the MSI installation process. I don't usually find this very helpful, but here is the command-line syntax:
msiexec /i MyProxy.msi /l*v ProxySetup.log
With this combination of techniques, I have always been able to help our customer service team resolve literally hundreds of proxy installation problems.