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Nrrd to Nifti file conversion

I am looking to convert ~1000 .nrrd files into Nifit (.nii.gz) format. I've been using 3DSlicer's ResampleScalarVectorDWIVolume command-line module to accomplish this task. But this process is really slow. It takes ~4 minutes to convert each file on my system. I was wondering what tool do people use for such conversions?


  • The following code can be used for converting all the '.nrrd' files in a folder into compressed 'nifti' format:

    import os
    from glob import glob
    import nrrd #pip install pynrrd, if pynrrd is not already installed
    import nibabel as nib #pip install nibabel, if nibabel is not already installed
    import numpy as np
    baseDir = os.path.normpath('path/to/file')
    files = glob(baseDir+'/*.nrrd')
    for file in files:
    #load nrrd 
      _nrrd =
      data = _nrrd[0]
      header = _nrrd[1]
    #save nifti
      img = nib.Nifti1Image(data, np.eye(4)),os.path.join(baseDir, file[-8:-5] + '.nii.gz'))

    For example, this script would convert abc.nrrd and xyz.nrrd files in the baseDir to abc.nii.gz and xyz.nii.gz respectively.