The problem is, I previously used a github repository ( as my dependency:
compile 'com.github.kenglxn.QRGen:android:2.4.0'
It worked fine but now i have forked the repository, made some changes and I'm trying to use my repository as dependency, my repository:, I'm trying as:
compile 'com.github.prasenjeetpaul.QRGen:android:2.4.0'
I have sync the project many times but couldn't use my repository code, even after removing the old dependency it is still using the old code but not the new code from my github repository.
Is there a way to remove the old dependency code and use my new repository code??
Please help!
Uploading your files to GitHub will not make your code to be available to be included as a dependency. First, make sure that your project is a library, and follow these steps to upload your library to Bintray's jcenter()
repository so that your library can be included as a dependency.