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GitHub: Separate credentials for two accounts on Windows

I recently created a second GitHub account two separate my work and my private projects (before, I only had the work account). I use https in combination with the Windows credential storage. To automatically select the correct account, I store my private account info in ~/.gitconfig and the work account info in ~/work/.gitconfig as suggested here.

Unfortunately, when I try to push changes in my private repositories, I get the following error:

$ git push
remote: Permission to privateuser/privaterepo.git denied to workuser.
fatal: unable to access '': The requested URL returned error: 403

I set the remote URL to git remote set-url origin like suggested here. Pushing in my work repos still works fine. And when I type git config in my private/work repos, I get my private/work username, respectively - as it should be.

What's the problem with the new private repositories? Why does git still think I'm workuser, when I try to push to my private repos? Does it have to do something with the Windows Credential storage, which I used to store my work credentials? It never asked for the password of my private account...


  • The conditional include that I detail here is only for commit authorship (

    This has nothing to do with authentication (credentials: username/password)

    Those are probably cached in a credential manager (like the linux osx-keychain)
    Check the output of:

    git config credential.helper

    If you can, use instead SSH keys per environment, as I illustrate there: then you can easily maintain different identities for the same remote repo (

    Note: the GCM (Git Credential Manager) installed alongside Git for Windows does not, as stated in issue 363, support multiple users per Uri.

    GCM 2.2.0 (July 2023) adds login, logout and list commands for the GitHub provider, as well as UI and TTY prompts to select between GitHub user account.