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What does startWith('') typescript code do?

I'm learning Angular 5 with Typescript. I'm trying to implement an angular material autocomplete and I've found the following code which is very obscur to me :

this.filteredStates = this.stateCtrl.valueChanges
    map(state => state ? this.filterStates(state) : this.states.slice())

The full code can be found here :

I tend to think that when a changed occurs on stateCtrl, then it returns the filterStates(state) result if and only if a concrete element has been selected in autocomplete.

What I don't understand is the use of startWith('') ?! Why not simpling call subscribe on valueChanges ?


  • valueChanges will not emit any values initially (until state actually changes). When you need to calculate something from initial state you use startWith to make observable emit a value even though it wouldn't normally.

    If you want to process initial value without startWith, you can create another stream

      map(state => state ? this.filterStates(state) : this.states.slice())

    which will emit only one value. But it's easier to handle both cases at the same time, so startWith is a good way to do it...