I am using the python-keystoneclient module within a Django project basically to learn.
The environment:
python 3.6.3
django 1.10.8
python-keystoneclient 3.14.0
I have a query to the api that returns a list of objects
projects = keystone.projects.list()
for p in projects:
<Project description=, domain_id=default, enabled=True, id=1c1a662d73c04f92acce6c50fb75dc3e, is_domain=False, links={'self': ''}, name=alt_demo, parent_id=default>
<Project description=, domain_id=default, enabled=True, id=311f76914cba43e18bfb416c72d8ad5e, is_domain=False, links={'self': ''}, name=demo, parent_id=default>
<Project createddate=2018-01-26, department=department1, description=Bob3, domain_id=default, [email protected], enabled=True, familyname=Jones, firstname=Bob, id=4d4dabcc39ac4323a8665ba01efa65d7, is_domain=False, links={'self': ''}, name=PROJ-BOB3, parent_id=default, sandbox=True, telephone=+99999999999, tos=on, username=bjones>
<Project description=, domain_id=default, enabled=True, id=916daf2b642944729d284643b355e5a2, is_domain=False, links={'self': ''}, name=service, parent_id=default>
<Project description=, domain_id=efc1097d56b047099645cbdb53a89c13, enabled=True, id=ab80834046864705b47bfd9478cfe715, is_domain=False, links={'self': ''}, name=swiftprojecttest4, parent_id=efc1097d56b047099645cbdb53a89c13>
<Project description=Bootstrap project for initializing the cloud., domain_id=default, enabled=True, id=bad74eb9e68546208232310dab8144d0, is_domain=False, links={'self': ''}, name=admin, parent_id=default>
<Project description=, domain_id=default, enabled=True, id=d52a43a6f1cb408592b02aaa3dbb618d, is_domain=False, links={'self': ''}, name=invisible_to_admin, parent_id=default>
<Project description=, domain_id=default, enabled=True, id=f9c8ca81dbd34c07bce3b4bf19af102c, is_domain=False, links={'self': ''}, name=swiftprojecttest2, parent_id=default>
<Project description=, domain_id=default, enabled=True, id=fbdb58e9120c49348a0eb5dfb7e984d0, is_domain=False, links={'self': ''}, name=swiftprojecttest1, parent_id=default>
As you can see the second item in the list has more attributes than the rest
When I use the following
for p in projects:
I get a result like this
If I try to do this
for p in projects:
I get this error
~/.virtualenvs/sandbox/lib/python3.6/site-packages/keystoneclient/base.py in __getattr__(self, k)
505 return self.__getattr__(k)
--> 507 raise AttributeError(k)
508 else:
509 return self.__dict__[k]
AttributeError: createddate
I was expecting this to print one line with True.
if I use ipython and run
p. with tabs I see that the other atrributes are not available
In [100]: p.
delete enabled human_id is_loaded name set_loaded
description get id links NAME_ATTR to_dict
domain_id HUMAN_ID is_domain manager parent_id update
So the other attributes are not available. Have I missed out a step?
I would appreciate some help where I went wrong.
You might be able to do this:
for p in projects:
if hasattr(p, 'createddate'):