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SSRS 2016: Default Year Parameter Is Not Passed to SSRS Email Subscription

I am using an expression to calculate a default value for the parameter, Year, in SSRS 2016

=DatePart("YYYY", DateAdd("YYYY", -1, Today()))

When I run a report on a one-off basis, the parameter populates. However, when I try to configure an email subscription and choose to have the parameter populated by using the Default Value, I am presented with an error that reads

An error has occurred. This report requires a default or user-defined value for the report parameter 'Year'. To run or subscribe to this report, you must provide a parameter value.

Is my expression not configured correctly? It seems unlikely as the report performs as expected when run manually.


  • @Tony D's comment put me on the path to the answer. The report had to be deleted from and re-added to the server to clear the cache. After doing this, the parameter filled as expected. I found this suggestion here. Thank you, Tony!