I would like to create custom Spark ML Transformer that applies an aggregation function within rolling window with the construct over window
. I would like to be able to use this transformer in Spark ML Pipeline.
I would like to achieve something that could be done quite easily with withColumn
as given in this answer
Spark Window Functions - rangeBetween dates
for example:
val w = Window.orderBy(col("unixTimeMS")).rangeBetween(0, 700)
val df_new = df.withColumn("cts", sum("someColumnName").over(w))
is my dataframeunixTimeMS
is unix time in millisecondssomeColumnName
is some column that I want to perform aggregation.
In this example I do a sum over the rows within the window.w
includes current transaction and all transactions within 700 ms from the current transaction.Is it possible to put such window aggregation into Spark ML Transformer?
I was able to achieve something similar with Spark ML SQLTransformer
where the
val query = """SELECT *,
sum(someColumnName) over (order by unixTimeMS) as cts
FROM __THIS__"""
new SQLTransformer().setStatement(query)
But I can't figure out how to use rangeBetween
in SQL to select period of time. Not just number of rows. I need specific period of time with respect to unixTimeMS of the current row.
I understand the Unary Transforme is not the way to do it because I need to make an aggregate. Do I need to define a UDAF (user defined aggregate function) and use it in SQLTransformer? I wasn't able to find any example of UDAF containing window function.
I am answering my own question for the future reference. I ended up using SQLTransformer. Just like the window function in the example where I use range between:
val query = SELECT *,
sum(dollars) over (
partition by Numerocarte
order by UnixTime
range between 1000 preceding and 200 following) as cts
Where 1000 and 200 in range between relate to units of the order by column.