I have run a beta regression with random intercepts model using the gamlss
package in R. The call looks like:
uik.max.model <- gamlss(formula = max.opp.vote ~ n_commute + vote_commute + uik_dummy +
opp.gd + opp.m + pay + govt_dep + higher_ed + max.opp.n +
opp.m*vote_commute + opp.m*n_commute +
re(random = ~1|mf),
family = BE(),
data = poll_df)
I want to extract the random effect for each grouping factor (mf
) from the model object in order to create a predicted probability plot, but I am unable to find where/if they are stored in the object.
Are the random intercepts for each value of the grouping factor available? If so, where?
To analyze the structure of the fitted object we can use str(uik.max.model)
. Thus the random effects can be found in uik.max.model$mu.coefSmo[[1]]$coefficients$random
. Consider this example:
# creating some data
variable <- as.factor(rep(1:26, 1e3))
levels(variable) <- LETTERS
value <- rbinom(2.6e4, 10, .5)
df1 <- data.frame(variable, value)
# fitting a minimal model
fit <- gamlss(formula = value ~ 1 +
re(random = ~1|variable),
data = na.omit(df1))
# analyzing structure of fitted object
# ...
# random effects for each value of "variable"
# $variable
# (Intercept)
# A -1.029350e-07
# B -2.465111e-09
# C 1.326496e-07
# D -1.632303e-08
# E 2.731609e-09
# F -4.403887e-08
# G -2.465111e-09
# H -7.695143e-08
# I 2.698297e-08
# J 4.950209e-08
# K -3.191319e-08
# L 9.627257e-08
# M -4.057439e-08
# N 3.737641e-08
# O -1.285855e-08
# P 1.551687e-07
# Q 1.312505e-08
# R -8.907712e-08
# S -9.394071e-09
# T 2.178625e-08
# U -7.661831e-09
# V -1.978751e-08
# W -8.734488e-08
# X 3.737641e-08
# Y -1.285855e-08
# Z -1.632303e-08