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Custom "flatmap" to call before each request

So what i have is an application that uses a REST endpoint, but before it can use it. It must call a register endpoint which assigns an DeviceId to the device which must be used in all subsequent API calls.

Currently I'm using Moya and RxSwift to chain and transform request.

What i was thinking that i would call a custom operator on my request like so

         .flatMap { [weak self] mapRect -> Single<Response> in
          weakSelf.provider.rx.request(PCDepartmentTarget.list(coordinate: center, distance: maxDistance))
          .map(to: [PCParkingLot].self)
          .bind(to: self.parkingLotOVariable)
          .disposed(by: self.disposeBag)

Where i was thinking that waitForDeviceId() should look something like this.

extension ObservableType {

    func waitForDeviceId<R>() -> Observable<R> {

        PCDeviceIdService.shared.deviceIdObservable.flatMap { _ -> Observable<R> in
            return self

Which is clearly not compiling.

Do you have any ideas on how to implement such and operator or a perhaps a different way of doing it. Thank you in advance.


  • I think what you are trying to do should look like this:

    extension ObservableType {
        //E comes from ObservableType itself. You don't have to declare it.
        func waitForDeviceId() -> Observable<E> {
            //flatMap self catching the element (for example mapRect)
            return flatMap { e in
                    .map{ _ in e } //map deviceIdObservable back into e