EDIT: I noticed my question was not clear enough; I hadn't specified n0 was an attribute of Edge.
I have two classes Nodes and Edges. Edge is defined (I omitted lots of methods and attributes that are of no interest here):
class Edge()
Node& n0;
const Node& N0() const;
The accessor is coded as follows:
Node const& Edge::N0() const
return n0;
where n0 is a private reference to a Node() instance. The problem is that, while trying to expose this function with the following code:
class_<Edge>("Edge", init<Node&,Node&>())
(the class Node is exposed right before) I get the error:
error: cannot create pointer to reference member ‘Edge::n0’
I could make the accessor return a copy of n0, and it would work fine (tested). However, if n0 were to be really heavy I would prefer for performance issues to return a const reference rather than a copy.
Can anyone explain to me what is wrong with what I am doing? I am pretty new to C++ and Boost.Python and admittedly don't understand much about the call policies yet.
2 years later, you can still do it via add_property
if you use boost::python::make_function
class_<Edge>("Edge", init<Node&,Node&>())
make_function(&Edge::N0, return_value_policy<reference_existing_object>()));