I can't organize properly to describe the real question it is. But those examples I think it's enough:
There are some definition class and object here,
case class ?(a: String, b: Int)
case class MatchA(a: String, b: Int)
object MatchInt {// can't
def unapply(arg: Int): Option[(Long, Double)] = {
Some(arg, arg)
object & {// or :? or ?: or +& or +
def unapply(arg: Int): Option[(Long, Double)] = {
Some(arg, arg)
(b MatchInt c)
: @Test
def matchOK1(): Unit = {
MatchA("abc", 123) match {
case a MatchA (b MatchInt c) =>
println(s"$a, $b, $c")
and c
but need a special extractor name definition with &
or :?
or ?:
or +&
or +
, maybe others. @Test
def matchOK2(): Unit = {
MatchA("abc", 123) match {
case a MatchA b & c =>
println(s"$a, $b, $c")
def matchFail1(): Unit = {
MatchA("abc", 123) match {
case a MatchA b MatchInt c =>
println(s"$a, $b, $c")
two error occurred:
pattern type is incompatible with expected type;
[error] found : Int
[error] required: Match.this.MatchA
[error] case a MatchA b MatchInt c =>
[error] ^
constructor cannot be instantiated to expected type;
[error] found : Match.this.MatchA
[error] required: Long
[error] case a MatchA b MatchInt c =>
[error] ^
[error] two errors found
Besides, the error message is very confusing.
def matchFail2(): Unit = {
?("abc", 123) match {
case a ? b & c =>
println(s"$a, $b, $c")
Is there are special rules under the name of extractor that could effect the pattern match?
Thanks a lot.
The pattern expression is parsed just the same as a normal expression.
(Outside a pattern, you get apply
, inside a pattern, you get unapply
The rules for associativity and precedence are in the spec.
Operators are higher precedence than alnum identifiers.
That's why your example 2 works, but I guess you don't like that syntax.