I am using iTerm2 on MacOS (Sierra). I have multiple instances of iterm2 running, each has a title that are prefixed with a number which increments with each running window.
I would like to run a shell command to return this number on the command line, does any one know how to get this information?
I am looking for something like:
$ iterm_get_number()
I was able to get the names using applescript, the following script dumps a list of the open iTerm windows. Since I am interested in using these names in a python script I included a small snippet for doing this as well.
on run
set returnNames to {}
tell application "iTerm"
repeat with theWindow in windows
tell theWindow
set end of returnNames to get name
end tell
end repeat
end tell
return returnNames
end run
python for extracting information from above script
out = subprocess.check_output(['osascript', 'get_window_names.applescript'])
print [x.strip() for x in out.split(',')]