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Can't ignore some files using typedoc with angularcli

I am trying to generate a documentation for my AngularCli App using typedoc. The result is beautiful but I can't manage to ignore some files such as the .spec.ts and .css ones.

I used something like this

typedoc --out D:/path/to/doc  --module angular --exclude "*.spec.ts" "*.css" src/

and I encounter this kind of error

no such file or directory, stat 'D:\path\IdeaProjects\project\*.css'

cause each component has its own css file, in its own directory...

Someone has a solution ?

I have tried to write /.css but it doesn't work...

Thank you very much


  • TypeDoc does not currently support multiple excludes but the minimatch expression it uses can support multiple options. Additionally, you will want to use the double star syntax to exclude recursively.

    typedoc --out D:/path/to/doc --module angular --exclude "**/*.{spec.ts,css}" src/

    For more information see issue 395 in the TypeDoc repo.