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Conditional Interval Integration

I have Grafana setup to graph sparse, binary timeseries data in graphite format about tool usage in a plugin. I'd like to be able to design a metric that is similar to integralByInterval but where the interval is based on time since that metric last received a datapoint. i.e.

for time t if the interval limit is 10m

the-interesting-metric.endpoint 1 (t)
the-interesting-metric.endpoint 1 (t+9.99m)
the-interesting-metric.endpoint 1 (t+19.99m)

sums to 3

the-interesting-metric.endpoint 1 (t)
the-interesting-metric.endpoint 1 (t+10.01m)
the-interesting-metric.endpoint 1 (t+20.02m)

shows 3 hits of 1

Does this exist or is it possible to construct? Thanks!


  • It sounds like you're looking for smartSummarize(the-interesting-metric.endpoint, "10m", "sum")