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How to use external actionscript classes in FlashBuilder (thought I knew)

I'm trying to implement CSVLib in an Air application and am getting an error that seems wholly illogical to me.

"1120: Access of undefined property csv." and "1120: Access of undefined property completeHandler."

The only thing I can think is it's not importing the csv class properly, or the class itself is broken somehow? I know my import path is correct because I typed it out directly based on automatic hinting. The code below is copied directly from the how-to wiki on the csv lib site.

Or is there something special you need to do to get external actionscript classes to work in flashbuilder?

            import com.shortybmc.*;

            var csv:CSV = new CSV();
            csv.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, completeHandler);
            csv.load (new URLRequest('example-2.csv'));
            function completeHandler (event: Event)
                trace ('\r') );
                // do something ...


  • In this case, the problem is somewhere else. The fx:Script tag is within a MXML file, which represents a class definition.

    Your error happens, because you have code within the class definition (i.e. outside of a method). You can write this instead for example:

            import com.shortybmc.*;
            private var csv:CSV;
            private function init ():void
                csv = new CSV();
                csv.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, completeHandler);
                csv.load (new URLRequest('example-2.csv'));
            private function completeHandler (event: Event):void
                trace ('\r') );
                // do something ...

    Then you need to make sure that the init method is actually called; you can do this in the complete handler of your MXML object.