I'm new to ActiveAdmin and I have this problem:
I have two models: Picture and Content. Picture has many contents through polymorphic association.
I succeeded to make the button "Create content" from Picture show
page pass contentable_type and picture id as contentable in the new_admin_content request as parameters using the following in app/admin/picture.rb :
action_item :new, only: :show do
link_to "Add content", new_admin_content_path(contentable_type: "Picture", contentable: picture)
and to receive the parameters I wrote the following in app/admin/content.rb :
permit_params :list, :of, :attributes, :on, :model, :contentable, :contentable_type
form do |f|
f.object.contentable_type = params[:contentable_type]
f.object.contentable = params[:contentabl]
puts f.object.contentable_type
puts f.object.contentable
f.inputs "Details" do
But in this case, I get this error:
NoMethodError in Admin::Contents#new
undefined method `primary_key' for String:Class
The error is triggered by line f.object.contentable = params[:contentable]
When I pass only contentable_type
to f.object whithout passing contentable
, f.object saves contentable_type
in its field, but submitting the form doesn't create a new record.
How can I save contentable
as in its form field and succeed to make a create
action on form submit?
The problem was solved by changing f.object.contentable = params[:contentabl]
to f.object.contentable_id = params[:contentabl]
(like the column name in the database) and adding all form parameters to permitted params