I am currently looking at parts of a string like this ;
if (thisChar == 'a')
[self a];
else if (thisChar == 'b')
[self b];
else if (thisChar == 'c')
[self c];
else if (thisChar == '0')
[self zero];
else if (thisChar == '1')
[self one];
else if (thisChar == '2')
[self two];
else if (thisChar == '3')
[self three];
else if (thisChar == '.')
[self period];
else if (thisChar == ',')
[self comma];
else if (thisChar == '?')
[self qmark];
The problem arises though when I come to
else if (thisChar == ''')
[self three];
What I want is the ' (apostrophe) sign but it won't let me do it. I know the reason why, but I don't know a way round it. Would doing this help?
NSString *apostropheString = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"'"];
unichar apostrophe = [apostropheString characterAtIndex:0];
Could I use an isEqualToString?
if ([apostrophe isEqualToString: thisChar])
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I have found a way around it by doing the following;
1). Create an NNString with a single character which is an apostrophe
NSString *apostropheString = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"'"];
2). Get it to convert it to a unichar called "app", as it is zero-indexed and there is only one character the index is 0.
unichar app = [apostropheString characterAtIndex:0];
3). I then say if "thisChar" is equal to "app" run "qmark"
else if (thisChar == app)
[self qmark];
I hope this helps for anyone with the same problem!
You must escape the apostrophe with a backslash: '\''