I have a door of 2000mm height.
I have 2 types of panels to build the door:
615mm standard panels and 495mm standard panels.
For the above height, my optimal solution would have to be:
1 x 615mm panel standard
2 x 495mm panel standard
1 x 495mm panel from which I cut 100mm to reach the 2000mm height. Here is the best solution to cut from 495 instead of 615mm because it would be a lost of too much material.
Example: 1845mm height -
Optimal solution is:
3 x 615mm panels ( 3x 615mm = 1845mm).
Another example:
3000mm height -
Optimal solution:
4 x 615mm panels
1 x 540mm panel (default 615mm from which is cut 75mm to fill the 3000mm height)
My question is, can I use any algorythm from PHP-ML library to train and predict solutions for input given (height, in my case). If the answer is yes, which algorithm is best suitable for my case?
SVC or k-Nearest Neighbors or Naive Bayes
Please see the pic i attached. You will understand what I want to say.
I want to use that Library so it can return me several solutions for given height, and an optimal one.
Your specific task is could be easily brute forced, check it online:
Here is a code:
// Examples:
// Door 2000 1845 3000
// 615mm panel 1 3 5
// 495mm panel 3 0 0
// panel loss 100 0 75
function calcOptimalPanels ($doorHeight) {
$bigHeight = 615;
$smallHeight = 495;
$bigFit = floor($doorHeight / $bigHeight);
$smallFit = floor($doorHeight / $smallHeight);
$options = [];
for ($big = 0; $big <= $bigFit; $big++) {
for ($small = 0; $small <= $smallFit; $small++) {
$waste = $bigHeight * $big + $smallHeight * $small - $doorHeight;
if ($waste === 0) // Get first combination without waste
return getFormattedResult($big, $small, $waste);
if ($waste > 0) // Omit combinations smaller then door
$options[$waste] = getFormattedResult($big, $small, $waste);
$minWaste = min(array_keys($options));
return $options[$minWaste];
function getFormattedResult($big, $small, $waste) {
return ['615mm' => $big, '495mm' => $small, 'waste' => $waste];
echo '2000: ' . json_encode(calcOptimalPanels(2000)) . "\n";
echo '1845: ' . json_encode(calcOptimalPanels(1845)) . "\n";
echo '2340: ' . json_encode(calcOptimalPanels(1845 + 495)) . "\n";
echo '3000: ' . json_encode(calcOptimalPanels(3000)) . "\n";
// Result:
// 2000: {"615mm":1,"495mm":3,"waste":100}
// 1845: {"615mm":3,"495mm":0,"waste":0}
// 2340: {"615mm":3,"495mm":1,"waste":0}
// 3000: {"615mm":1,"495mm":5,"waste":90}
My previous answer is not correct but I leave it as an example of our love to overcomplicate things.
This is a classic 1D Cutting stock problem which can be formulated as an integer linear programming problem.
You should be aware that this is an NP-complete problem:
This basically means that their is no way of being guaranteed the best solution without checking every possible solution. This is not to say that a solution reached by one of the following algorithms is not optimal, it may be.
With given info in mind, you have to implement an algorithm yourself:
and video:
If you desperately want to leverage machine learning then check genetic algorithm: