I am trying to redirect to another page on button click and I am setting an item value of 2nd page with value from first page.
But I can see that it is sent as a query string http://localhost:8080/apex/f?p=104:3:16676730353670::NO:RP:P3_NEW:hi
Is there any way I can send this as hidden without appending to query?
Thanks in advance
One option is to pull instead of push.
Value of P5_FINALTABLE should be in session state (for example, submit it when Enter pressed), otherwise it won't work.
Then, set P3_NEW item's "Default value" to "PL/SQL Function body" as
return :P5_FINALTABLE;
Run Page 5, enter something (for example, 555) into P5_FINALTABLE, press Enter, navigate to Page 3 and - 555 should be visible in P3_NEW item.