I want to create two messages within a pipeline component and pass this onto the Assemble stage where it would go through the BTAHL7 Microsoft Accelerator.
The pipeline component would be placed in the Send Pipeline 'Pre-Assemble' stage.
This is the code which would return the messages.
private System.Collections.Queue qOutputMsgs = new System.Collections.Queue();
IBaseMessage[] allMessages = new IBaseMessage[] { pInMsg, pInMsg };
foreach (IBaseMessage msg in allMessages)
return (IBaseMessage)qOutputMsgs.Dequeue();
For testing purpose, I have added the two pInMsg
into the an array, and looped through this array to add it to the queue. Then, returning the messages separated.
However, although the queue has 2 values, in the other parts of the pipeline (Assemble and Encode), it returns only one message.
Why does it do this? How can I get it to return two messages?
This logic won’t work in Execute method. You either need to implement IDisassembler interface for such pipeline and need to use it on a receive location. Or you use an orchestration to create multiple messages before sending to the send port.