In a main form I have a treeview control where each node calls a different user control in a panel present in the main form. My problem is that one of these user controls is responsible to add/delete/update nodes of the treeview in the main form.
I have tried to do it using delegates it is not working.
In the main form I have a method like this:
public void UpDateTreeView()
//load xml file that contain my nodes
//do something
In the User Control I'm trying it:
delegate void UpDatingMyTreeView();
private void buttonUpDate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//update the xml file with a new node
//do something...
frm_MainForm frm = new frm_MainForm frm();
UpDatingMyTreeView updTrv = new UpDatingMyTreeView(frm.UpDateTreeView);
I have never used delegates and it's not working. I'm using windows form application.
The solution starts when you can get the main form of the Uzur Control. We use the following method:
yourUserControl.FindForm(); or this.FindForm();
Then we do the next projection to get the Main form of Instance .
private void buttonUpDate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
UpDateTreeView() is public Method in MainForm .