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Resample pandas dataframe and apply mode

I would like to calculate mode for each group of resampled rows in pandas dataframe. I try it like so:

import datetime
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from statistics import mode

date_times = pd.date_range(datetime.datetime(2012, 4, 5),
                           datetime.datetime(2013, 4, 5),
a = np.random.sample(date_times.size) * 10.0

frame = pd.DataFrame(data={'a': a},

frame['b'] = np.random.randint(1, 3, frame.shape[0])
frame.resample("M").apply({'a':'sum', 'b':'mode'})

But it doesnt work.

I also try:

frame.resample("M").apply({'a':'sum', 'b':lambda x: mode(frame['b'])})

But I get wrong results. Any ideas?



  • In frame.resample("M").apply({'a':'sum', 'b':lambda x: mode(frame['b'])}) the lambda function is called once for each resampling group. x is assigned to a Series whose values are from the b column of the resampling group.

    lambda x: mode(frame['b']) ignores x and simply returns the mode of frame['b'] -- the entire column.

    Instead, you would want something like

    frame.resample("M").apply({'a':'sum', 'b':lambda x: mode(x)})

    However, this leads to a StatisticsError

    StatisticsError: no unique mode; found 2 equally common values

    since there is a resampling group with more than one most common value.

    If you use scipy.stats.mode instead, then the smallest such most-common value is returned:

    import datetime
    import pandas as pd
    import numpy as np
    import scipy.stats as stats
    date_times = pd.date_range(datetime.datetime(2012, 4, 5),
                               datetime.datetime(2013, 4, 5),
    a = np.random.sample(date_times.size) * 10.0
    frame = pd.DataFrame(data={'a': a}, index=date_times)
    frame['b'] = np.random.randint(1, 3, frame.shape[0])
    result = frame.resample("M").apply({'a':'sum', 'b':lambda x: stats.mode(x)[0]})


                b           a
    2012-04-30  2  132.708704
    2012-05-31  2  149.103439
    2012-06-30  2  128.492203
    2012-07-31  2  142.167672
    2012-08-31  2  126.516689
    2012-09-30  1  133.209314
    2012-10-31  2  136.684212
    2012-11-30  2  165.075150
    2012-12-31  2  167.064212
    2013-01-31  1  150.293293
    2013-02-28  1  125.533830
    2013-03-31  2  174.236113
    2013-04-30  2   11.254136

    If you want the largest most-common value, then, unfortunately, I don't know of any builtin function which does this for you. In this case you might have to compute a value_counts table:

    In [89]: counts
                b  counts
    2012-04-30  3      11
    2012-04-30  2      10
    2012-04-30  1       5
    2012-05-31  2      14
    2012-05-31  1       9
    2012-05-31  3       8

    Then sort it in descending order by both counts and b value, group by the date and take the first value in each group:

    import datetime as DT
    import numpy as np
    import scipy.stats as stats
    import pandas as pd
    date_times = pd.date_range(DT.datetime(2012, 4, 5), DT.datetime(2013, 4, 5), freq='D')
    N = date_times.size
    a = np.random.sample(N) * 10.0
    frame = pd.DataFrame(data={'a': a, 'b': np.random.randint(1, 4, N)}, index=date_times)
    resampled = frame.resample("M")
    sums = resampled['a'].sum()
    counts = resampled['b'].value_counts() = 'counts'
    counts = counts.reset_index(level=1)
    counts = counts.sort_values(by=['counts','b'], 
    result = counts.groupby(level=0).first()


                b  counts
    2012-04-30  3      11
    2012-05-31  2      14
    2012-06-30  3      12
    2012-07-31  2      12
    2012-08-31  2      11
    2012-09-30  3      12
    2012-10-31  2      13
    2012-11-30  3      13
    2012-12-31  2      14
    2013-01-31  3      14
    2013-02-28  1      10
    2013-03-31  3      13
    2013-04-30  3       2