I have a Class A in Python and I would like to populate the a static variable calling a static method like:
Class A:
arr = []
def FillArr():
#do more stuff but for semplicity...
A.arr = [[2,2,2,]]
when I run the code I got 'NameError: name A not defined' so essentially I can't initialize the arr static variable. Essentially once the the class has been instantiated once I would like to populate the static variable
This runs flawlessly on Python 3.6:
class A:
arr = []
def fillArr():
#do more stuff but for simplicity...
A.arr = [[2,2,2,]]
print (A.arr)
Or, with the extra info in your comment:
class A:
arr = []
def fillArr():
#do more stuff but for simplicity...
A.arr = [[2,2,2,]]
def __init__ (self):
if not A.arr:
A.fillArr ()
A ()
print (A.arr)