I will try to explain this issue the best I can, don't hesitate to ask more details if you think it can help. I can't put the whole file because it is a complicated app and a professional one.
Lets go !
I got one Activity that contains a google map view and host a FrameLayout where I can push multiple fragments.
Fragment A contains 3 EditText and one button.
My activity keyboard mode is SOFT_INPUT_ADJUST_RESIZE, so when keyboard showed up inside Fragment A the window is resized. Until here there's is no problem.
But when keyboard show up in a Fragment A with 4 - 5 other fragments (added and not replaced) in backstack the resized process takes more then 1 sec and it looks really bad. And when I hide it, the same thing again 1 sec lag then window resized.
I did try multiple solutions, but they are all workarounds, and I want to understand why resizing is not working properly.
Also, the application doesn't have big leaks in my knowledge.
Help! Please.
So there is the answer, as @VladMatvienko sayed, Activity is resize by keyboard and so all fragments inside. If they are too heavy it can leads to crash.