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Kotlin: lateinit to val, or, alternatively, a var that can set once

Just curious: In Kotlin, I would love to get some val that can be initialized by lazy, but with a parameter. That's because I need something that's created very late in order to initialize it.

Specifically, I wish I had:

private lateinit val controlObj:SomeView


private val controlObj:SomeView by lazy { view:View->view.findViewById(...)}

and then:

override fun onCreateView(....) {
    val view = inflate(....)

    controlObj = view.findViewById(...)

or in the 2nd case controlObj.initWith(view) or something like that:

return view

I cannot use by lazy because by lazy won't accept external parameters to be used when initialising. In this example - the containing view.

Of course I have lateinit var but it would be nice if I could make sure it becomes read only after setting and I could do it in one line.

Is there a pretty clean way to create a read only variable that initializes only once but only when some other variables are born? Any init once keyword? That after init the compiler knows it's immutable?

I am aware of the potential concurrency issues here but if I dare to access it before init, I surely deserve to be thrown.


  • You can implement own delegate like this:

    class InitOnceProperty<T> : ReadWriteProperty<Any, T> {
        private object EMPTY
        private var value: Any? = EMPTY
        override fun getValue(thisRef: Any, property: KProperty<*>): T {
            if (value == EMPTY) {
                throw IllegalStateException("Value isn't initialized")
            } else {
                return value as T
        override fun setValue(thisRef: Any, property: KProperty<*>, value: T) {
            if (this.value != EMPTY) {
                throw IllegalStateException("Value is initialized")
            this.value = value

    After that you can use it as following:

    inline fun <reified T> initOnce(): ReadWriteProperty<Any, T> = InitOnceProperty()
    class Test {
         var property: String by initOnce()
         fun readValueFailure() {
             val data = property //Value isn't initialized, exception is thrown
         fun writeValueTwice() {
             property = "Test1" 
             property = "Test2" //Exception is thrown, value already initalized
         fun readWriteCorrect() {
             property = "Test" 
             val data1 = property
             val data2 = property //Exception isn't thrown, everything is correct

    In case when you try to access value before it is initialized you will get exception as well as when you try to reassign new value.