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Loading data from different collection based on parameter

I'm using OData Connected Service to consume OData. In my endpoint, there are many collections, so in order to avoid spaghetti code I thought I would execute my code with a parameter which would tell, which collection to use.

Here's a code snippet of what I'm doing for single collection:

 var ctx = new ODataService(new Uri("http://urlofodataendpoint/OData/"));
            ctx.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials; 

            var query = from f in ctx.Files
                        select new File
                            Title = f.Title
            DataServiceCollection<File> files = new DataServiceCollection<File>(query);

            while (files.Continuation != null)

            foreach (var f in files)
                //do something for each File


In this case, Files is collection of type of File. I would like to do this code for every collection. Of course, each collection has a different type in it. Here's what I tried:

string nameOfCollection = "Files";
            var ctx = new ODataService(new Uri("https://urlofodataendpoint/OData/"));
            ctx.Credentials = new System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials; 

            dynamic type = ctx.Links;
            PropertyInfo[] PI = ctx.GetType().GetProperties();

            for(int i=0; i<PI.Count();i++)
                if (PI[i].Name == nameOfCollection )
                    type = PI[i];

            //Type itemtype = type.GetType().GetGenericArguments().Single();

            var query = from f in ((IEnumerable<Type>)type).Cast<dynamic>()
                        select f;

            DataServiceCollection <dynamic> files = new DataServiceCollection<File>(query);

            while (files.Continuation != null)

Unfortunately the

var query = from f in ((IEnumerable<Type>)type).Cast<dynamic>()
                        select f;

part fails with

System.InvalidCastException: 'Unable to cast object of type 'System.Reflection.RuntimePropertyInfo' to type 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[System.Type]'.'

Also the part when I want to assign DataServiceCollection doesn't work:

Error CS1503 Argument 1: cannot convert from 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable' to 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable'

How can I chose the collection dynamically and query it?


  • You got invalid cast when you try to convert variable type to IEnumerable<Type>.

    Consider change this code:

    var query = from f in ((IEnumerable<Type>)type).Cast<dynamic>()
                        select f;


    var query = from f in ((IEnumerable)type.GetValue(ctx)).Cast<dynamic>()
                        select f;