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Sulu Cmf extend Contacts

In my Sulu system I want to create a new bundle that extends the Sulu contacts. So basically I want to have an own bundle that saves a different type of contact in its own table with additional information.

In the Sulu documentation it says:

You can specify your new Entity and if it exists your Repository in the sulu_security configuration section.

There are so many configuration files in Sulu and now I don't know where to put these lines.

I have set up my classes correctly but Sulu throws a JSON.parse error which I think is related to the missing configuration lines.

I'd be glad if anyone can point me in the right direction.


  • JSON.parse sounds like a JSON parse error and not like an error when you have these config lines missing.

    If you use the new entity contacts also in your website you can place the configuration in /app/config/config.yml.

    My config looks like this:

                model: vdsmh\AppBundle\Entity\Member