I am trying to change my program from able to read a hard coded name.txt to of any name or readable type. I am having trouble passing argc and argv correctly and is giving errors such as "too few arguments in main" I tried to initialize the two in the function that was used, but is undetermined. How would I correctly use these two tools? (arrows points to arg lines) Here is my code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// Pointer to store numbers
int *pointerNUM;
// Read in the parts file and returns the length
int readFile(int argc, char *argv[]) //<-----------------------------
// File pointer
FILE *fptr;
// numberOfNUM for number of numbers
// cntVAR for counter variable
int numberOfNUM, cntVAR;
// Open the file for reading
fptr = fopen(argv[1], "r"); //<-----------------------------------------
// Check that it opened properly
if (fptr == NULL)
printf("Cannot open file \n");
}// End of if condition
// Reads number of numbers in the file
fscanf(fptr, "%d", &numberOfNUM);
// Dynamically allocates memory to pointer pointerNUM
pointerNUM = (int *) calloc(numberOfNUM, sizeof(int));
// Loops numberOfNUM times
for(cntVAR = 0; cntVAR < numberOfNUM; cntVAR++)
// Reads each number and stores it in array
fscanf(fptr, "%d", &pointerNUM[cntVAR]);
// Returns the length of the numbers
return numberOfNUM;
}// End of function
// Function to display numbers
void display(int numberOfNUM)
int cntVAR;
// Loops numberOfNUM times
for(cntVAR = 0; cntVAR < numberOfNUM; cntVAR++)
// Displays each number
printf("%4d, ", pointerNUM[cntVAR]);
}// End of function
// Function for insertion sort
void insertionSort(int numberOfNUM)
int x, key, y;
// Loops numberOfNUM times
for (x = 1; x < numberOfNUM; x++)
// Stores i index position data in key
key = pointerNUM[x];
// Stores x minus one as y value
y = x - 1;
Move elements of pointerNUM[0..x - 1], that are greater than key,
to one position ahead of their current position
while (y >= 0 && pointerNUM[y] > key)
// Stores pointerNUM y index position value at pointerNUM y next index position
pointerNUM[y + 1] = pointerNUM[y];
// Decrease the y value by one
y = y - 1;
}// End of while
// Stores the key value at pointerNUM y plus one index position
pointerNUM[y + 1] = key;
}// End of for loop
}// End of function
// main function
int main()
// To store the numbers of number in file
int numberOfNUM;
// Calls the function to read numbers and stores the length
numberOfNUM = readFile(); <-----------------------------------------
// Calls the function to displays the numbers before sorting
printf("\n Before sort : ");
// Calls the function for sorting
// Calls the function to displays the numbers after sorting
printf("\n After sort: ");
Your prototype for the main()
function is wrong. If you want to use argc and argv in C you need to use the version of main that supports them.
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
// Check argc, and argv for correctness
numberOfNum = readFile(argc, argv);
Then to run it do:
./myProgram arg1 arg2 ... argN