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Mount local volume accessible to R/RStudio in docker (tidyverse)

There are a ton of little-upvoted questions about how to address local folders from inside a docker container, but I can't find one that quite matches mine, so here goes another one:

How can I run a docker container, and mount a local folder so that it's accessible by R/RStudio, inside the container?

That sounds kind of like: mounting local home directory in Rstudio docker? and using an approach similar to that, I can start a container and mount a volume:

docker run -d -p 8787:8787 -v $HOME/my_folder:/LOOKATMEEE -e ROOT=TRUE rocker/tidyverse:3.4

and if I run a bash shell in the container, I can see the folder:

docker exec -it 38b2d6ca427f bash

> ls
bin   dev  home  lib    LOOKATMEEE  mnt  proc  run   srv  tmp  var  boot  etc  init  lib64  media       opt  root  sbin  sys  usr
#                       ^ there is is!

But if I go connect to RStudio server at localhost:8787, I don't see it in the files pane, nor does it show up when run list.files() in the R console:

enter image description here

I'm sure I'm missing something basic, but if someone can tell me what that is... thank you!


  • In this circumstance, R and RStudio have a default working directory of /home/rstudio, two levels down from /, where I was telling docker to mount the folder.

    After the docker run command in the question, you can go list.files('/') to see the folder.

    If you want your folder to show up in the default working directory for R, as I do, then modify docker run like this:

    docker run -d -p 8787:8787 -v $HOME/my_folder:/home/rstudio/LOOKATMEEE -e ROOT=TRUE rocker/tidyverse:3.4

    and there it shall be:

    enter image description here

    Thank you to user alistaire.