As explained in the title, I want to use the Azure Cognitive Services Content Moderator API to detect PII, however the service won't detect UK phone numbers.
For example the following are all valid UK phone number formats and are not detected as PII:
NB x is any number [0-9], spaces are for readability only can be omitted completely, or appear in arbitrary places
To replicate, navigate to the Content Moderator console and enter phone numbers in the above format, and they will not be detected. The US phone number provided as an example is detected, however.
Is there a localisation setting I am missing, or is this only set up for US phone numbers?
We have just deployed an update to the Content Moderator service. It now detects possible UK phone numbers.
Please see the updated API overview and the .NET quickstart for the sample input and the JSON response.
Also refer to my previous comment on your examples.
Let us know if this meets your requirements.