I have a following in Scheme:
((car '(null? null?)) ())
which should evaluate to #t but I'm getting an error:
the object null? is not applicable
I tried some of the solutions in other SO questions but none of them seems to work.
How do I evaluate a symbol?
It should not evaluate to #t
. You are mixing symbols and variables. The second you quote something it's the code representation that becomes data.
'(null? null?)
; ==> (null? null?)
That is a list with two symbols. They have noting to do with:
; ==> #<procedure:null?> (implementation dependent visualization)
When you evaluate the variable null?
you get the closure object. If you want to make a assoc of primitives you need to use list
or cons
to not quote the variables or you need to use quasiquote-syntax:
(define *primitives*
`((null? . ,null?)
(car . ,car)
(cdr . ,cdr)))
This is just syntax sugar for using list
and cons
When you evaluate this you notice right side isn't symbols:
; ==> ((null? . #<procedure:null?>)
; (car . #<procedure:car>)
; (cdr . #<procedure:cdr>))
Again. The visualization of a procedure differs. Here is how you can use it:
(define prim 'car)
(let ((found (assq prim *primitives*)))
(if found
((cdr found) '(1 2 3))