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Unable to Parse response as JSON error Symfony

I have a controller that sends a get request and then tries to parse the response as a JSON. However, requesting it through the browser returns a valid JSON object. I'm getting a 500 error that says 'Exception: Unable to parse response as JSON' and points to JsonHandler.php in the Httpful library. I looked through the file and it is because the body is empty. I am confused since the request url is valid and returns a valid JSON object.


        $request = $this->request;

        $callback = $request->query->get('callback');
        $url = '' . http_build_query(
                'count'     => 20,
                'post_type' => 'schedule_show',
                'page'      => (int) $request->query->get('page', 1),
                'order'     => 'ASC',
                'orderby'   => 'title',
                'include'   => 'id,title',
                '_'         => (int) $request->query->get('_', time()),

        /** @var \Httpful\Response $APIResponse */

        $APIResponse = \Httpful\Request::get($url, 'application/json')->send();
        $data = $APIResponse->body;
        $response = new JsonResponse($data);


        return $response;

JSON Response:

         "title":"ACOUSTIC ROOTS"
         "title":"AFRIKA REVISITED"
         "title":"AMANECER RANCHERO"
         "title":"APT 613 LIVE"
         "title":"BLACK ON BLACK"
         "title":"BOUYON RASIN"
         "title":"CARIBBEAN FLAVOUR"
         "title":"CHUO TOP 30"
         "title":"CITY SLANG"
         "title":"D’UN EXTR\u00caME \u00c0 L’AUTRE"
         "title":"DEMOCKERY’S DEMISE"
         "title":"DEMOCRACY NOW!"
         "title":"ETHIOPIAN SHOW"
         "title":"FR\u00c9QUENCE ANTILLAISE"

The AJAX request:

$.ajax('/shows/select/load', {
  data: {
    count: 20,
    post_type: 'schedule_show',
    page: this.page_current,
    order: 'ASC',
    orderby: 'title',
    include: 'id,title'
  dataType: 'jsonp',
  context: this,
  success: this.loadShows

Am I missing something?

Edit: Method that tries to parse the body and throws the exception.


public function parse($body)
        $body = $this->stripBom($body);
        if (empty($body))
            return null;
        $parsed = json_decode($body, $this->decode_as_array);
        if (is_null($parsed) && 'null' !== strtolower($body))
            throw new \Exception("Unable to parse response as JSON");
        return $parsed;

For debugging purposes I added these var_dump statements:

public function parse($body)
        $body = $this->stripBom($body);
        if (empty($body))
            return null;
        $parsed = json_decode($body, $this->decode_as_array);
        if (is_null($parsed) && 'null' !== strtolower($body))
            throw new \Exception("Unable to parse response as JSON");
        return $parsed;

This returned:

string(1) " " 
string(1) " " 


  • The problem was in Request.php in the function send. The method uses curl and after checking the response after curl_exec it was returning a 301 code with an empty body. All I had to do was set a new curl option curl_setopt($this->_ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true); And it worked fine.