Sometimes, especially with callbacks functions or inheritance/implementation case, I don't want to use some arguments in method. But they are required by the method interface signature (and I can't change the signature, let's say it's something required via Composer). Example:
// Assuming the class implements an interface with this method:
// public function doSomething($usefull1, $usefull2, $usefull3);
public function doSomething($usefull, $useless_here, $useless_here) {
return something_with($usefull);
// ...
In some other languages (let's say Rust), I can ignore these arguments explicitly, which make the code (and intention) more readable. In PHP, it could be this:
public function doSomething($usefull, $_, $_) {
return something_with($usefull);
Is this possible in PHP? Did I missed something?
Side note: it's not only for trailing arguments, it could be anywhere in the function declaration
I think the best you can hope for is to give them unique names that will suggest that they will not be used in the call.
function doSomething($usefull,$x1,$x2){
return something_with($usefull);
function doSomething($ignore1,$useful,$ignore2){
return something_with($useful);
PHP wants to have arguments accounted for and uniquely named.
Edit: If you want to avoid declaring variables that you won't use (but you know they are being sent), try func_get_args() and list(). This should make the code lean, clean, readable. (Demo)
function test(){
// get only use argument 2
echo $useful;
test('one','two','three'); // outputs: two